Thursday, January 10, 2013

January Resolution: BE METICULOUS!

Instead of outlining a jumbled list of resolutions for the year, I decided I would break them down into smaller, more manageable goals for each month. While I am a dreamer, my brain seems to be more task-oriented and I work better when I can cross things off a list. So for January I decided that I would unleash my inner Monica Gellar and be awesomely meticulous about everything. Sounds easy enough, right?

When I say meticulous I mean that I am going to develop routines and procedures for how things are going to be done around here - and then be completely psycho about it. It's messy business but I think that it will ultimately free ourselves up to strive for those more fun, personal goals. The areas that I'm going to focus on are:
  • figure out a way to plan our meals for the week
  • keep the pantry and cabinets organized
  • manage the toy situation
  • go to sleep with the kitchen clean and laundry PUT AWAY 
  • make sure that every one's outfits for the next day are planned and ironed
  • keep the car clean
It sounds kind of like a major overhaul but one that is so necessary. I'm a huge believer in fresh starts and even though we got a late start this month, I'm really confident that we can make huge strides towards being more organized. I want to be a crazy person. I want people to be afraid of not rinsing their plate or leaving their shoes in the middle of the living room. In my opinion, a little fear never hurt anyone. So excited to get started!

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